Talk at the Schamanentage 2020: Red Tent Movement, women solidarity and networking.

SCHAMANENTAGE 2020 Samuel-Hahnemann-Schule 13 th & 14 th June 2020: "Camino rojo del corazón"The Red Tent Movement and the “soft revolution”. Women solidarity and networking. Social responsibility for a new world. I started this work to make peace inside myself. Peace between the feminine & masculine inside myself. To make peace with the angry me. To make peace with the memories in me. Peace is important if we want to have peace in the world. "Camino rojo del corazón" is for me the way to follow. It comes from the Lakota that call Red Road (camino rojo) to a spiritual way of life and the importance of blood as an heritage of the ancestral peoples. I see this red too as our sacred menstrual blood. To tell you about the RedTent Movement it is important to before starting by going deeper in HIStory. I mention now some words from known thinkers about being a woman: Hypocrates explained that the woman was naturally sick from h...