Mulher Árvore, o conto

Mulher Árvore, o conto (Scroll down for English version)

"Conta uma história muito, mas muito antiga, da qual já não muitos se recordam, nem da qual já não muitos falam, que antes de apareceram os humanos de duas patas na Terra, todas as mulheres, antes de serem mulheres foram árvores, tinham raízes que as faziam ser uma com a Mãe Terra, mãos compridas e ressecas feitas de troncos e cascas, e compridos cabelos que se cobriam de folhas, flores, frutos e pássaros que cantavam na primavera.
Estas viviam nos recantos mais belos, nutriam-se do sol, da água, do vento e nunca estavam sozinhas, pois estavam rodeadas por todas as criaturas do bosque tanto terrenas como todas as criaturas mágicas que possas imaginar. Também eram cuidadas e nutridas pela árvore mais sábia de todas, à que chamavam “Avó Árvore”, uma árvore tão mas tão antiga que conhecia todos os segredos sobre a vida e sobre a morte, e sempre que uma Mulher Árvore de qualquer lugar do mundo adoecia, comunicava com a Avó Árvore através das usas raízes para se curar.
As Mulheres Árvore tinham muitos poderes, comunicavam-se sem usar as palavras, moviam os elementos sem ter mãos e podiam sentir a todos os seres da natureza através da rede profunda que formavam com as suas raízes por debaixo da terra.
Um dia, muito tempo depois de que chegassem à terra os humanos de duas patas, algo aconteceu e começaram os tempos de guerra, mortes e destruição, alguns dizem que a causa foi a ambição pelos reinos, pelo poder e pelas riquezas. Foi uma época terrível, onde muitas Mulheres Árvore foram convertidas em madeira e queimadas como forma de gerar calor. Com estes acontecimentos, para poder manter vivas as suas filhas, a Avó Árvore permitiu que se desenraizassem e ganhassem pés para que pudessem correr e esconder-se longe de perigo. Assim, as Mulheres Árvore tiveram que aprender a caminhar e a sobreviver sozinhas, em troca perderiam as suas raízes e o seu vínculo com a Mãe Terra e todos os seres que nela habitavam, o que lhes causava uma grande dor e tristeza, mas era a única forma de sobreviver e conservar a tradição das Mulheres Árvore.
Quem me contou esta história diz que passaram muitos séculos até que a guerra pelos reinos terminou, durante este tempo muitas Mulheres Árvore morreram de tristeza já que não aguentavam a solidão e o desenraizamento, outras esqueceram-se de quem eram, de maneira que aprenderam a viver com os de duas patas perdendo os seus poderes e capacidades mágicas. Porém, houve outro grupo de Mulheres Árvores que se distribuíram pelo mundo e apesar de se separarem prometeram nunca deixar de ser quem eram e conservar na mais profunda memória do ADN, tudo aquilo que aprenderam da Avó Árvore. Assim, este grupo de mulheres comprometeram-se a encontrar-se e reencontrar-se em todas as vidas posteriores, mantendo muito bem guardado o segredo das suas origens e poderes.
Assim também a Avó Árvore, com o desejo de nunca mais separar-se deste bosque de donzelas e num acto de amor profundo pelas suas filhas, abençoou todas as mulheres com uma árvore no seu ventre, e esta árvore transformou-se no que hoje é o nosso útero. Assim todas as mulheres podem recuperar o seu enraizamento à Mãe Terra nutrindo-se do seu amor, pois o útero é o vinculo com a sua verdadeira essência. No seu centro está a forma de como recuperar a razão primogénita do que é ser mulher. E o maravilhoso da bênção da Avó Árvore é que tenhamos ou não um útero físico, sempre teremos um útero energético que ninguém nunca nos poderá arrebatar.
Esta é uma história muito, mas muito antiga, porém muitos dizem que nestes momentos a Avó Árvore está a fazer um chamado forte e claro às suas filhas. Assim é como ao abraçar a árvore mais antiga da floresta e apoiar o teu ouvido no seu tronco, este contar-te-á os segredos das Mulheres Árvore, vai impregnar-te de todo o seu amor e vai outorgar-te toda a sua medicina ancestral. Nunca mais voltarás a estar desconectada da tua Avó Árvore. O teu útero recuperará as suas raízes e caminharás para sempre vinculada com a terra.”

Conto de Ximena Noemí Ávila Hernández 

Aho. Gratidão.

Mulher árvore: A tale of why women have a womb

"Silencio, la tierra va a dar a luz un Árbol." Vicente Huidobro

It tells a very old story, of which not many remember, nor of which many do not speak, that before the appearance of humans with two legs on the earth, all women, before being women were trees , And such as these, had roots that made them one with mother earth, long and dry hands made of trunks and barks, and long hair that covered themselves with leaves, flowers, fruits and birds that sang in spring.

They lived in the most beautiful corners, they were fed by the sun, the water and the wind, and they were never alone, surrounded by all the creatures of the forest, earthly as well as magical as you can imagine.They were guarded and nurtured the wisest tree of all, which they called "the grandmother tree," a tree so but so old that it knew all the secrets about life and death, and whenever a woman tree of any place of the world was ill she communicated with the grandmother through her roots to heal.

The tree women had magical powers, they communicated without using words, they moved the elements without having hands and they could feel all the beings of the nature through the deep network that formed with their roots under the earth.

One day long after two-legged humans landed on Earth, something happened and the times of war, death and destruction began, some say because of ambition for kingdoms, power and riches. It was a terrible time, where many tree women were turned into wood and burned as a way to generate heat. In order to keep their daughters alive, the grandmother tree allowed them to uproot and have feet so they could run and hide away from danger. Thus the tree women had to learn to walk and to survive for themselves, in return they would lose their roots and their connection to mother earth and all the beings that inhabited it, this caused them tremendous pain and sadness, but this was the only way Survive and preserve the tradition of women's tree.

Who told me this story says that many centuries passed until the war for the kingdoms ended, in that many women died tree of sadness because they could not stand the loneliness and uprooting, others forgot who they were, so they learned to live With those of two legs losing their powers and magical abilities. However, there was another group of female trees that were distributed throughout the world and despite their separation they promised never to stop being themselves and to preserve in their deepest DNA memory everything they learned from the grandmother tree. Thus this group of women promised to meet and rediscover themselves in all subsequent lives, keeping very well kept the secret of their origins and powers.

So too the grandmother, desiring never again to separate herself from this forest of maidens and in an act of deep love for her daughters, blessed all women with a tree in her womb, and this tree was transformed into what is now our womb. Thus all women can regain their roots to mother earth by nurturing all their love, for the uterus is their anchoring to their true essence. From him is the way to recover the most primordial reason of being a woman. And the wonderful thing about grandmother tree's blessing is whether or not we have a physical uterus, we will always have an energetic uterus that no one can ever snatch from us.

This is a very, very old story, however many say that in these times the grandmother tree is making a loud and clear call to her daughters. This is how when you embrace the oldest tree in the forest and support your ear in its trunk, it will tell you the secrets of the tree women, fill you with all your love and give you all your ancestral medicine. And you will never be disconnected from the grandmother tree again. Your uterus will regain its roots and you will walk forever anchored to the earth. End

Every woman who today can feel an ancestral wound and an unexplained deep emotional void is a sign that she has made conscious the loss of her ancestral root to mother earth and grandmother tree. The way to recover the joy, the sense of existence and the love for being a woman is to re-rooting the uterus to the earth, this is to become aware that we are women tree and in every moment there is an invisible net under our feet that we Connects countless ancestral memories. When a woman is bleeding from her belly, she makes this ancestral loss totally conscious, which is why there is sadness, emptiness and the feeling that something is missing. When a man makes love with a woman, he can feel for an instant the ecstasy of being in connection and unity with the whole.

    You must know that from our feet grow invisible roots that connect us with a great net, a great Body energetic, which are all living beings on earth, however you must activate these roots that will connect you to other women, men, animals, insects, vegetables, minerals and elements. For our uterus is connected to an even larger uterus, the primal uterus, which is the one that has given life from the beginning of time to everything known and unknown. Rooting our uterus also has a lot to do with recovering the consciousness and wisdom of the earth, consciously menstruating and respecting life in every way. Any physical or energetic uterus that remains without this connection to the mother earth will be suspended in the void and will cause the woman who carries it to feel dry and lifeless. To recover the root consciousness of the uterus is to return to the primeval meaning of life. With love for all those who still do not find the meaning of their existence, as a woman I came to experience this emptiness for a long time in my life. When I first rooted my uterus to the ground, I came back to feel alive and remembered many memories of pain that my ancestors had pierced me and that I had to transmute. I understood that there is an ancestral wound that we all carry, that to heal it, it is important for women to unite and remember all our stories and in it the magic that inhabits us. Only in this way will Mother Earth also be able to heal her wound, and men will be able to accompany us and be guardians of this evolution.

By Ximena Noemí Avila Hernández  

Aho. Gratitude.


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